There are times during the final year when the wing collectively feels absolutely jobless and thats when wing cricket happens.
In one of the recent wing cricket matches, our very own Jorge-Cham-would-be-jealous-of-PhD-boy Bhaand decided to bat..!
And then to bowl!
And finally to Dance!! :)
Ayyayyo.. idenu swamy apachara? What is to become of the hallowed title of the One Post Phenomenon ? Salladu, Salladu! If I am to make a very meek and humble supplication, start a new blog and move these two posts over there. Imvho, artifacts of bygone eras, nay, _eons_ must be preserved with great care!
And remember, you are the CEO of a holding company, think of all the paperwork you need to go through!
But pseudax Bhaandness, anyday! :-)
(Above comment transferred from original blog where this post was put up by me)
Vettiness in the final year: Bhaand dancing, Leftit blogging!!
final year?!!! for Bhaand?? NT!!
Any case, Bhaand dancing and playing! This is the like the most important piece on the entire blogula for generations of IITians to watch and gape! You must probably frame this, a single blog whatever!!
And how can this be vettiness? Far from it! To catch Bhaand playing cricket is the absolute antithesis of vettiness. People can make a living out of it!!
Great job! anyday! :-)
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